Slow obedience is NO obedience

Slow obedience is No obedience” is a quote that has stuck with me since I heard it on my daughter’s kids story time with Steve Green. In the story, Sir Bernard the Good Knight, he keeps asking the little knight who is learning good virtues to do something and the little knight keeps making excuses too not to do it. At the time I first heard it, God had been asking me to step out of the position I was in and take a leap of faith. He once again was going to provide the answer, but I need to take that step. I did take that leap even though it took me longer than it should have. God did provide as He said He would.

Once again I am faced with the same question. Do I move forward in my calling that most likely will not provide any immediate results or do I create the miracle myself? And I heard God’s voice in small way saying the same thing again, ‘Slow obedience is No obedience.’ Right now God wants me to keep writing and reaching TCKs (third culture kids) through my podcasts and maybe other avenues. Then God reminds me with his word. In Matthew 14:17-20 “They said to him, ‘We have only five loaves here and two fish.’ And he said, ‘Bring them here to me.’ Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over.” My gifts are the loaves and fishes. They don’t look like much but God can take what doesn’t look like much and multiply it. Is there something that God is asking you to do, but you haven’t done yet? Has obedience been slow? Remember steps of faith don’t have to be leaps. Whoever offered the loaves and fishes took a small step of faith. What small step do you need to take?

Our step of faith right now is for Mark and I to teach MKs/TCKs at the Latin American missionaries retreat. We know that these parents need a chance to recharge and be filled up and I am excited to get the opportunity to lead the Preschool program. Each MK is important and they too don’t get the chance to go to a typically church’s Vacation Bible School or camp. We are excited that Mark and I can bring it to them. This trip is a full circle for Mark and I since we both met at the All Europe retreat in 2010 where I helped with preschool and he was helping missionaries with their computers. Although our lives and jobs look different today, we still feel the call to help missionary kids. 

Our last step of faith is our hardest. Even after traveling with my parents raising money for their calling I still struggle asking for financial help. I believe that each of you will be praying for us no matter what. And if you are reading this you have already been a prayer partner for years. We are trying to raise $1300 for our flights and hotel stay. As you feel led to help us here are ways to donate.

      • Use the AG Giving website to directly transfer funds towards our trip into the Task Force account [891154(30)] using their credit card information. (Note if using the website: your donor’s giving is subject to a 7% AGWM Administration fee.)

      • Write a check to Assemblies of God World Missions and write our name/trip in the memo line. It can be mailed to:

P.O. Box 9200
Springfield, MO 65801

Remember that no matter what your obedience is today that God will still hold your hand through it. He is asking us to trust him solely. It isn’t easy, but it is worth the TESTimony!


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